Shewanders Photography x The New Children's Museum Wedding for CLARE RUSSEL

Shewanders creative museum wedding for a rad bride and groom in San Diego California with rad vendors. A blog of creative wedding images for a creative couple. San Diego Artful Wedding Photography

The New Children’s Museum Native Poppy Shewanders Photography SD Event Production Personal Touch Dining

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Idyllwild-Pine Cove Point of View Mountain Biking + A Wild Designer Motel in the Pines

Idyllwild-Pine Cove

So close to San Diego and a little like Yosemite. We decided to have a creative break. What fun it is to hike and write sitting under color trees while Mike tries to kill himself on his mountain bike. I prefer living so I only rode the bike in the parking lot, which was a little uneven and even that felt like I was risking something. We stayed at the wildest designer Motel. Yup that’s right. It was so fun. HIcksville Pines you are incredibly hilarious.

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San Miguel De Allende Photographic Adventure by Shewanders Brand Photographers

San Miguel inspires so much wanderlust. Go friends, it’s better than you think it is. 

Explore by foot, see absolutely every square inch. If you love exploring color and design then this is one of your cities. Add it to your list. I already have my flight back in February. I can’t wait to eat on every rooftop and soak up the latest art exhibition and photo gallery. This is a city of expats because it’s a city of delight. 

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