Well Christmas has come and gone. I hope everyone had a magical time with their families, i did! I was sad to see my mom and Larry go to the airport. Mike's mom Mary is staying with us through the New Year.As hectic as December is for shewanders, it's still my favorite time of the year. We sang Christmas Carols at the Old Globe Tree Lighting, saw Some Lovers at the Old Globe, ate amazing pastries with dear friends and Ben and Grace's 10th Annual Holiday Pastry Party, got an awesome shampoo gun at Kristen and Trevors 8th Annual White Elephant Party, Game Night, won Apples to Apples at the Elf, Board Games at Craft Beer Night at 98 Bottles, dressed up as a penguin and passed out candy to the children on Point Break Finance's float at the OB Christmas Parade with some of the craziest people I've ever known, ate at the food trucks at Balboa Nights (Christmas on the Prado) with Courtney, Ashley, and Miss Ella after Root 75's open house and the Coronado Christmas Parade, cookie decorating at CAKE, photographed a holiday inspiration shoot with Brightly Designed, Luxe Events, Ray Thomas, and Blush Botanicals, made great holiday presents for some friends with Organic Elements, A Sweet Addition, and Cork and Platter, went to a holiday mixer with Naomi -At First Blush and created beautiful Holiday Cards, albums and prints....
and then my family came and we got a tree from the lot, decorated it while listening to christmas carols and ate a lot of sweets and played a lot of yahtzee. I hope to eat less candy canes, brownies, and cookies in January. Hmmm I wonder if December is busy or I am just insane for wanting to be a part of it all. I didn't get to go to SantaCon this year, i had a cold. I'm curious if it is as good as it sounds. I also missed Anette and Scott's Apres Ski Party, although I was dressed for it, we ran out of time. I also bought 2 ugly sweaters at a thrift store in indiana last year but did not get invited to any ugly sweater parties. Every year I imagine we will have enough time to fly to san francisco to go to one of the Sing Alongs at the Castro. There's always next year right?
Somewhere in the middle of writing the last paragraph I concluded that part of the reason I've been home really sick the last two days is that I love Christmas too much and probably need to tone down the craziness a little. Maybe next year I'll try not to do everything, but probably not.
Happy Friday Everyone, I hope your new years dreams come true.
xoxo Suzanne
Taking pictures is like tiptoeing into the kitchen late at night and stealing Oreo cookies. - Diane Arbus