One of my close friends is worried I’m not strong enough to be pregnant or will find parenthood too much.
I’m not worried.
When I’m pregnant I will be so good at celebrating. I am made to be happy. It’s the most honest part of my personality. I will have this peaceful, calm.
Me and the universe will snuggle up to one another, exhaling and basking in the feeling of being “home”. Finally letting go of the tinge of sadness or fear because this moment of belonging together is much more real than lying down broken hearted.
Of course, being pregnant will be challenging, but I can’t help but believe that the avalanche of joy that I will feel will shelter us. Me full of gratitude and hope is a powerful force.
Parenthood makes so much sense to me. Selflessly loving someone seems to be natural. Finally, my skills of trying hard and having a grateful attitude will be in my favor.
I want to be in this space now. I want to be in love with the world as I am. Even without having everything I want. I want to feel beauty in trying.
How do I live through this barrage of hormones and stay my sweet, powerful, free-spirited self?