Today is implantation day. April 1, 2017.Today is one of the best days of my life. We have a chance for hope; a chance to be parents. Maybe we will be parents in 9 months, maybe we won’t, but today we have the best chance we’ve ever had.
A questionnaire once asked me to list the three best days of my life. Of course there have been so many, but here are the one’s that stand out:
The day I met Mike Ofeldt
Our wedding day
The day my world expanded as a 17-year-old when my dear friend Cristina explained backpacking and the endless possibilities of travel.
Today is coming pretty close.
Implantation went great. They implanted two excellent embryos and froze two excellent embryos. The procedure was relatively quick and painless. There was a point where it hurt and I held Mike’s hand tightly. I think it’s unusual for it to hurt, but I have a tilted uterus so perhaps that was the issue.
I zoned out and imagined two babies in footsie pajamas laughing and playing with Mike and I on the couch. I listened to Don Williams’ “I Believe in You” on repeat and then the procedure was over. I then took a 20 minute nap in recovery. Acupuncture right before and right after was a great choice.
Everything went as smooth as possible. In two weeks we will know more.